Rochelle Paker

Rochelle Paker

Personal finance specialist. Areas of expertise Banking, business, real estate, consumer credit, retirement accounts.

50 Posts Written
The Benefits and Disadvantages of Investing in a Gold IRA

The Benefits and Disadvantages of Investing in a Gold IRA

Investing in a gold IRA is becoming increasingly popular as investors look for ways to diversify their portfolios and...

What Gold is IRA Eligible? - A Comprehensive Guide

What Gold is IRA Eligible? - A Comprehensive Guide

Investing in gold within an IRA can be a great way to protect your retirement portfolio from inflation and generate...

How to Open a Precious Metal IRA: A Comprehensive Guide

How to Open a Precious Metal IRA: A Comprehensive Guide

Opening a precious metal IRA is a great way to diversify your retirement portfolio and hedge against inflation. But how...

Is Investing in Gold IRA Safe?

Is Investing in Gold IRA Safe?

Investing in gold carries risks and rewards, just like any other investment. No one can accurately predict the future of...

How to Safely Store Gold at Home

How to Safely Store Gold at Home

Gold is a valuable asset and should be stored in a secure location. There are three main ways to store gold: at home, in...

Can I Hold Gold in an IRA? A Comprehensive Guide

Can I Hold Gold in an IRA? A Comprehensive Guide

Most IRA custodians don't allow investments in gold, whether in coins or bullion. To own gold within an IRA, you need a...

Can an IRA Own Gold? - A Comprehensive Guide

Can an IRA Own Gold? - A Comprehensive Guide

Owning gold in an IRA is a great way to diversify your retirement portfolio and hedge against inflation. To do so, you...

What Does IRA Eligible Gold Mean?

What Does IRA Eligible Gold Mean?

The term gold ira is a specialized individual retirement account (IRA) that allows investors to include gold as a...

Is Gold Taxed in an IRA? A Comprehensive Guide

Is Gold Taxed in an IRA? A Comprehensive Guide

When it comes to investing in gold through an Individual Retirement Account (IRA), you won't have to pay the 28%...

Will Gold Maintain its Value Over Time?

Will Gold Maintain its Value Over Time?

The price of gold may be unpredictable in the short term, but it has always kept its value in the long run. It has been a ...

The Pros and Cons of Investing in Gold

The Pros and Cons of Investing in Gold

Investing in gold is generally revered as a good investment, but there are some downsides you should be aware of before...

What Precious Metals are IRA Approved?

What Precious Metals are IRA Approved?

Are you looking to set up a self-directed IRA for precious metals? The IRS has specific requirements for gold, silver,...

How to Maximize Your Return on Investment with a Gold IRA

How to Maximize Your Return on Investment with a Gold IRA

When it comes to investing in gold, an Individual Retirement Account (IRA) is a great way to gain tax advantages while...

How to Open a Gold IRA Account: A Step-by-Step Guide

How to Open a Gold IRA Account: A Step-by-Step Guide

Opening a gold IRA account is a great way to diversify your retirement portfolio and hedge against inflation. With the...

Can You Invest in Gold Coins in Your IRA?

Can You Invest in Gold Coins in Your IRA?

Most IRA custodians don't allow investments in gold coins, but there are exceptions. To own gold, whether in coins or...

Should You Invest in Gold for Retirement?

Should You Invest in Gold for Retirement?

Gold is not usually a good investment for retirement portfolios. While it can be used as a countercyclical asset and...

Who holds the gold in a gold ira?

Who holds the gold in a gold ira?

A gold IRA or precious metal IRA is an individual retirement account in which physical gold or other approved precious...

Is a Gold IRA a Good Investment Idea?

Is a Gold IRA a Good Investment Idea?

A gold IRA is an attractive asset for retirement investment, as it offers an additional source of diversification and is...

The History of Gold Confiscation and How to Protect Yourself

The History of Gold Confiscation and How to Protect Yourself

On June 5, 1933, the United States abandoned the gold standard, a monetary system in which currency is backed by gold,...

Can You Store IRA Gold at Home?

Can You Store IRA Gold at Home?

Investing in gold is a great way to diversify your retirement portfolio and protect your savings from inflation. But if...

Will Gold Prices Increase in the Next 5 Years?

Will Gold Prices Increase in the Next 5 Years?

Gold is a highly sought-after asset due to its low to negative correlation with all major asset classes, making it an...

What Will Gold Prices Look Like in 2025?

What Will Gold Prices Look Like in 2025?

To accurately predict the potential of gold in the coming years, it is essential to understand the direction in which...

Do I Need to Report My Gold Purchases to the Government?

Do I Need to Report My Gold Purchases to the Government?

When it comes to buying gold, the government does not require you to report your purchases. However, there are certain...

Investing in Gold: What You Need to Know

Investing in Gold: What You Need to Know

Investing in gold can be a great way to diversify your portfolio and protect your assets during a recession. There are...

Can I Store My Gold IRA at Home?

Can I Store My Gold IRA at Home?

Setting up an LLC and controlling your IRA purchases yourself is an option, but you still can't store the gold in your...

Is it Legal to Store Gold at Home? An Expert's Perspective

Is it Legal to Store Gold at Home? An Expert's Perspective

When it comes to storing gold, there are only three ways to do it: keep it at home, use a bank safe, or pay a third-party ...

Can You Put Precious Metals in an IRA?

Can You Put Precious Metals in an IRA?

Are you looking to diversify your retirement portfolio with precious metals? You may have heard that you can't keep...

What Type of IRA is Used for Precious Metals?

What Type of IRA is Used for Precious Metals?

A gold or precious metal IRA is an individual retirement account in which physical gold or other approved precious metals ...

Can I Invest in ETFs in a Roth IRA?

Can I Invest in ETFs in a Roth IRA?

Investing in a Roth individual retirement account (IRA) can provide you with a wide range of assets, including...

Should You Hold Gold in an IRA?

Should You Hold Gold in an IRA?

When it comes to investing in gold, not all forms of gold can be held in an Individual Retirement Account (IRA)....

Why Warren Buffett Disapproves of Gold as an Investment

Why Warren Buffett Disapproves of Gold as an Investment

Warren Buffett has been very outspoken about his lack of enthusiasm for gold as an investment. He believes it has little...

Is Storing Gold Illegal? A Comprehensive Guide

Is Storing Gold Illegal? A Comprehensive Guide

Yes, in this country, from 1933 to 1974 it was illegal for U. S.

10 Best Investments for Retirement Income

10 Best Investments for Retirement Income

When you retire, you'll need to generate enough income to sustain your lifestyle without exposing your assets to...

How Does a Gold IRA Work? A Comprehensive Guide

How Does a Gold IRA Work? A Comprehensive Guide

A gold IRA is a self-directed individual retirement account that allows investors to hold physical gold and other...

How Much Interest Does the Average IRA Earn?

How Much Interest Does the Average IRA Earn?

Roth IRAs are a great way to save for retirement, as they offer average annual returns of 7-10%. Unlike traditional...

Can You Buy Gold in a Retirement Account?

Can You Buy Gold in a Retirement Account?

Financial professionals around the world agree that asset diversification is the key to success. A self-directed IRA can...

The Best Gold IRA: A Comprehensive Guide

The Best Gold IRA: A Comprehensive Guide

Are you looking for the best gold IRA to invest in? Goldco is a private firm that specializes in the protection of assets ...

Is Buying Gold a Good Retirement Plan?

Is Buying Gold a Good Retirement Plan?

Despite the emotional appeal, many financial experts caution that gold (and silver, an even more volatile commodity) is...

Is Investing in Gold a Good Idea?

Is Investing in Gold a Good Idea?

Although the price of gold may be volatile in the short term, it has always maintained its value over the long term....

Is Gold IRA a Good Investment?

Is Gold IRA a Good Investment?

A Gold IRA is an individual retirement account that allows investors to diversify their retirement portfolio by investing ...

What Causes Gold Prices to Increase?

What Causes Gold Prices to Increase?

Gold is a precious metal that is recognized as the true standard of value all over the world. It is a standard for global ...